Monday, January 11, 2010

Martha Stewart Doesn't Even Know What Marriage Is

Wedding blogger the Barefoot Bride was rightly disturbed when she opened the most recent edition of Martha Stewart Living (via Joe My God):
I have grown up in a home where Martha Stewart Living is one of the most oft-read magazines and, since I was old enough to truly appreciate weddings, have been a faithful purchaser of Martha Stewart Weddings. I have enjoyed the inspiration, the fabulous diy ideas, and the beautiful spreads. Martha Stewart Weddings, both the print magazine and the website, have been some of my greatest sources of wedding inspiration. As you well know, I often share information, ideas, and photos from MSW here on my blog.

However, I feel I would be remiss if I did not share my great disappointment with the current issue. As part of the large portion of the population who strongly believes marriage should be between one man and one woman, I was rather taken aback to see a homosexual wedding featured in the Winter 2010 issue. I may not always agree with the lifestyles and life choices made by all the people featured in every publication I read, but I do not appreciate picking up my favorite magazine to see photographs of homosexual couples being affectionate. For someone who believes that same-sex marriage is wrong, such articles and/or photos are offensive – and something I certainly would never knowingly pay money for.

I understand that one reader’s views, opinions, and purchases can not change the course of an entire magazine. However, I believe that I speak for a majority. A very large majority. As marriage amendments protecting marriage as between one man and one woman have been passed across the country, the facts speak for themselves – America as a nation does not support same-sex marriages. If you are also disappointed in this article as much as I am, I would encourage you to write to MSW and let them know. A magazine without input from its readers is not serving its readers.

Amen, Barefoot Bride, amen. But there are plenty of unanswered questions in this horrific scandal. Has Martha Stewart ever printed pictures of a so-called "remarriage" ceremony in which at least one of the participants has been married before? I'd be quite surprised if she hasn't.

We would all be remiss if we didn't look into this and make sure Stewart knows she should only publish pictures from real, Biblical weddings. One man, one woman, FOR LIFE--anyone who promotes these so-called "remarriages" that our wicked society has embraced is just doing Satan's public relations for him! Sadly, our society is filled with people who are happy to serve in such a sinister capacity.

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